Cabines acoustiques

Nous créons des cabines acoustiques à l'aide de feutre PET recyclé qui offrent un espace silencieux et polyvalent répondant à divers besoins. Nos cabines offrent un design minimaliste pour le confort et la fonctionnalité, s'adaptant à n'importe quel environnement.

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The acoustic booth is a steel, modular structure. The walls are made from the highest quality neoFELT™ material, while the exterior is covered with thermoformed panels.

However, the true charm lies within. This space adapts to your needs—today it can serve as a meeting area, and tomorrow as a "quiet" studio. You can add a TV stand or personalize the interior according to your preferences.

Inside, comfort meets functionality. The minimalist interior features muted colors, with every detail carefully designed to provide you with a sanctuary.

Maison acoustique